Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues Jahr
Kellemes Karácsonyt és boldog új évet!

Gingerbread shadow
Gingerbread shadow
Gingerbread shadow

Vodafone Case Study

Capture has deep insight into Vodafone Hungary, as we prepared the test strategy and provided a test manager.

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Capture has 3 elements of relevant experience in Vodafone Hungary:

  • test strategy
  • test management
  • participating in Application Development & Maintenance Outsourcing (as a personal experience of dr. Laszlo Szakal, who is currently the Business Development Manager of Capture)



Test strategy:

  • 2 senior consultants
  • 120 mandays
  • 2011, 3 months

Test management:

  • 1 senior test manager
  • 1000 mandays
  • 2011-2016

AD&M Outsourcing:

  • scale is not relevant, as it is a personal reference
  • 2007



Test strategy:

  • Capture delivered the first official written test strategy in the history of Vodafone Hungary

Test management:

  • Capture managed and coordinated the testing activities of several projects within the Program Delivery team

AD&M Outsourcing:

  • Dr. Laszlo Szakal elaborated and signed the AD&M Outsourcing MSA on behalf of EDS Global with Vodafone Hungary
  • he was responsible overall for delivering the services later on

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