
OTP Case study

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The OTP Bank Group is the largest commercial bank in Hungary and one of the largest independent financial services providers in Central and Eastern Europe, offering banking services to private and corporate clients. The OTP Group includes subsidiaries in the fields of insurance, real estate, factoring, leasing and asset management, investment, and pension funds. Besides Hungary, OTP Group operates in 10 countries of the region through its subsidiaries.


Building 2 Tester teams and internalizing external experts

OTP requested the setup of manual testing teams, including their initial training, to ensure faster and more efficient integration into the organization and familiarization with the relevant internal processes.

Following a targeted recruitment process, selected candidates were continuously mentored by a senior Capture test lead. They were also supported in their preparation for the ISTQB exam.


  • Team internalization: Create an in-house knowledge base with external experts.
  • ISTQB ready testers: External experts prepared for certifications and exams.
  • Customer Satisfaction: After Phase 1 and 2, Capture was assigned more team setups.

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